Dermal Fillers for Nose Correction after Rhinoplasty

Before and after dermal filler for rhinoplasty correction
Before and after dermal filler for rhinoplasty correction

Dermal filler to nose to correct deformities after surgical rhinoplasties are common at our Sydney clinic

Dissatisfaction with Surgical Rhinoplasties

Of all the surgical cosmetic procedures, rhinoplasty (nose job) tends to have the highest rate of patients seeking revision surgery. According to data from the Australian Academy of Facial and Plastic Surgery, it is estimated that approximately 15-20% of patients who have had a surgical rhinoplasty will opt for a revision of their rhinoplasty citing both cosmetic and/or functional dissatisfaction. 

Whereas it is now very common for patients to entirely steer away from a surgical rhinoplasty in favour of a non-surgical solution, this article is focussed on the use of filler in the correction of post-surgical rhinoplasty deformities.

It is widely recognised that rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult surgical procedures to get right as it takes a high level of both surgical skill and experience. Additionally, it requires an open and honest dialogue between the doctor and the patient through which realistic expectations of the anticipated cosmetic outcome and the associated risks of this type of procedure are clearly communicated.

Non-surgical Rhinoplasties

With the advent of the “non-surgical nose job” or “liquid rhinoplasty”, cosmetic physicians have seen an exponential increase in the number of patients seeking a less invasive and more cost effective solution to address their aesthetic concerns. Interestingly there has also been a concurrent trend for plastic surgeons utilising fillers in the correction of post rhinoplasty deformities as opposed to undergoing further revision surgeries.

Why choose a non-surgical option for correction after rhinoplasty

The reasons behind this are multifactorial. Obviously, there is a limit to the amount of times that a patient can undergo and invasive surgical rhinoplasty (think Michael Jackson). In addition to this, the use of dermal fillers in the correction of nose shape is less expensive, less invasive, has significantly less downtime and is very effective at refining the aesthetic concerns that commonly occur following surgical rhinoplasty. 


The versatility of fillers in this context allows the experienced physician to address aesthetic concerns such as the nasal profile, symmetry, and tip height. Of course, as with any invasive medical procedure, there remains risks of complications. This is a significant consideration when performing a revision of a surgical rhinoplasty utilising fillers as the altered anatomy and the inevitable scarring in the underlying tissue can complicate outcomes and indeed increase risks.

In conclusion, the ability to smooth out irregularities and asymmetries in the nose with an injectable filler is a useful adjunct to surgical correction because imperfections after rhinoplasty are quite common. The primary advantage to using fillers in the nose is the ability to fix a deformity without the financial expense, anaesthetic risk, or downtime generally associated with surgical intervention. Disadvantages include potential for complications due to altered anatomy and the need for serial treatments to maintain the effect due to the temporality of fillers. 

If you would like to be assessed for filler correction after poor results with a surgical rhinoplasty, please call 02 93315005 or book online.