Fat Dissolving injections Aftercare

Aftercare double chin dissolving injections

Please click this link about fat dissolving injections for comprehensive information on the topic.


Immediately after treatment with fat dissolving you may notice some redness, swelling, tenderness and a painful  sensation in the treated area, as well as numbness from the local anaesthetic. These symptoms generally improve significantly over the next few days.

The swelling may last for several weeks in total, but the worst of it is over after about 3 days. If symptoms persist or other reactions occur, please contact The Manse.

Where possible, please use the 3 Cs of post-treatment outlined below, as well as any other instructions given by your therapist.


  • Use regular cold compresses in the first day. The pain sensation will last a few hours.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours


  • Pain relief such as paracetamol may be taken as directed by your physician
  • Do not massage the area


  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
  • Do not use active products, including AHA, Retinols, Vitamin C etc
  • Makeup can be applied 24 hours after procedure


  • It’s not unusual to experience some mild side effects following Belkyra
  • Bruising is possible
  • Swelling is usual and can be intense in the first few days
  • If you feel unwell or are concerned about any aspect of your treatment, please contact the clinic.


  • After your initial treatment you will be invited to attend a follow-up appointment at approximately 6 weeks after your treatment. This enables your practitioner to review your results. Several treatments will be necessary. Patients will usually require about 3-6 treatments
  • Please attend your review at 6 weeks, or the date advised

We will see you at your review appointment

Please contact us if you have any further questions about your treatment on 93315005 or info@themanseclinic.com.au

The Manse team xx

Follow the link for further information about the nefertiti lift for the neck