Spot Ablation Aftercare

Before and after 1 treatment mole removal ear


  • If possible, a laser dressing will be applied to the treated areas. The  dressing should remain intact for 4-6 days. Peel the dressing off after 4-6 days.   Vaseline or Stratamed is then to be applied so that the area is constantly kept moist. You may need to apply the Vaseline/Stratamed up to 5-6 times per day. Waterproof dressings may be used on the body and should be replaced daily. These are available at the chemist. If the dressing comes off earlier on the face than the 4-6 days, please commence applying Vaseline/ Stratamed immediately.
  • Waterproof dressings may be used for spot ablation treatments on the body and should be replaced daily after showering
  • If a dressing is not applied at the time of laser, apply Vaseline/Stratamed liberally
  • Panadol or Panadeine is usually adequate for any post-laser pain. Do not take Aspirin or Asprin related products for one week following laser. A local anaesthetic block is sometimes used for larger areas treated with laser. If you have been given a local anaesthetic injection, this will take 1-2 hours to wear off. If the area treated is on or near the mouth, do not eat or drink until the effects of the local anaesthetic have completely worn off.
  • When the wound has healed (on the face this may typically occur at about day 8, make-up and regular skin care can commence. If you do not have a skin care regimen, let your doctor /nurse know.
  • The area that has been lasered is extremely sensitive to the sun. DO NOT expose the treated area to direct or indirect sunlight at any time. Once the skin has healed, apply 30+ sunscreen to the area and cover it where possible. Further enquiries in regard to sunscreen can be directed to the doctor / Nurse /therapist.
  • Following your laser treatment, a follow-up appointment for check-up will be given to you. If you do not have a follow-up appointment, please telephone our rooms for this appointment to be scheduled.
  • For those with darker skin tones, once the skin has healed a lightening skin cream +/- and anti-inflammatory topical may be recommended for use. Please discuss this with the practitioner.

Your second treatment

Typically with single spot ablation for lumps, bumps, warts and moles, you will need 1-3 treatments.

Your second treatment should be a minimum of 4 weeks onwards, or as advised by your practitioners.

Redness in the area after spot ablation is common and may >6 months or longer. This will usually resolve with time.


1. Excessive redness, pain, tenderness bleeding or swelling,

2. Extreme odour, pus or discharge from the wound