Tear Trough Filler for Dark Circles FAQs

Before and after tear troughs
Before and immediately after tear trough fillers

Here we addresses the top 10 tear trough dermal filler FAQs we hear at our Sydney clinics.

What causes dark circles?

Dark circles are caused by a number of factors, mainly due to the density of local vascularization and the amount of skin pigment, melanin. In addition, depending on the shape of each person’s face, grooves may form in the periocular region, which cause a shadow effect and worsen the appearance of dark circles. Stress, physical and emotional fatigue, genetics, hormonal changes and premenstrual tension are on the list of items that worsen the appearance of the terrible dark circles.

What is the treatment for tear trough hollowing?

Treatment for tear trough shadowing contributing to a patient’s dark circles is almost always done with dermal filler.

Dermal fillers have not only the ability to volumize the area but also hydrate the treated tissue.

Dermal fillers improve the depth of the nasolacrimal groove and improve the appearance of the darkness which is due to shadowing.

Part of the effect is already noticed on the day of application, but there is a gradual improvement over about two months. On the day of application, small bruises can be formed, which regress in approximately one week.

When should I fill my dark circles with dermal fillers?

The filling of dark circles with dermal fillers is indicated for women and men in cases where the groove below the eyes impairs facial harmony and bothers the patient.

Six women share their reasons for getting tear trough fillers in a Harper’s Bazaar video and article. Seeing the hollows under their eyes and hearing their stories can be helpful in determining whether to pursue tear trough fillers.

What is the procedure for dermal fillers to fill my dark circles?

The procedure is performed in our clinic rooms, in an appropriate place for procedures. To alleviate the discomfort of the procedure, a topical or injectable local anaesthesia can be applied, according to each case.

The doctor will first define the area to be filled. Using a small needle or microcannula, the dermal filler is applied to each region in small doses.

The type of technique, product and the amount to be applied will depend on the purpose of the treatment and will be defined by the doctor, who will respect the amount necessary only to correct the lack of local volume, maintaining the patient’s natural characteristics. Our goal is to create beautiful and natural results with a smooth transition between the eyelid and the cheek. Overfilled tear troughs are a terrible look and our aim is to avoid that.

What precautions should I take before the tear trough filler treatment?

Please avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and get a good night’s sleep the day before, as local swelling can minimize the real groove of the patient’s face.

How do I care for my face after tear trough treatment?

Care after treatment is limited and patients can usually return to their normal activities soon after the procedure.

  • Follow your doctor’s instructions correctly.
  • It is recommended not to massage the region and avoid sun exposure for the first 24 to 48 hours.
  • The practice of low impact physical exercises during the first 24 hours after filling is not advised, and exercises with body contact or that may injure the treated region are contraindicated for a few days.
  • After application, it is normal for the region to be slightly swollen. Ice packs can help with local swelling, disappearing in a few days.
  • The use of sunscreen should be constant after treatment, to avoid post-inflammatory spots.

What results can be achieved by filling dark circles with dermal fillers

Filling the volume of the eye area with dermal fillers brings natural results as long as it is used in moderation and respects the individual anatomy of the patient.

The effects of dermal filler on the skin become even better 30 to 40 days after the procedure. That’s when the skin acquires more lustre and there is a lifting effect. This is due to the power of attraction of water and the hydration caused by the product on the area.

You can see the results our patients enjoy with tear trough fillers in their before-and-after photos.

Contraindications for filling dark circles with dermal fillers

  • People with active collagen diseases, such as lupus;
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women;
  • Patients with a history of allergy to the components of the medication to be applied;
  • Patients who have inflamed or injured skin on the site to be treated.

Other treatment options for dark circles

There are other treatments that can be considered for this region as:

How long do dermal fillers last under the eyes?

Filling in tear trough is not a definitive procedure. Therefore, after some time, to maintain the same results, the patient must redo it. With dermal fillers, the duration on average varies between 6 months to 1 year, and can last up to 2 years in some cases.

Ready to diminish those dark circles under your eyes with tear trough fillers at our Sydney clinic? Please book online or call us on 93315005.

Before and after tear trough fillers
Before and after tear trough fillers