New Procedure Alert!!! Double Chin Removal Without Surgery?

Submental Fullness: 4 days after neck liposuction. I look back on these images with horror!

New Injectable ATX-101  

Kythera Bipharmaceuticals has submitted an application to Australia’s TGA for its new drug to treat “submental fullness”, in February 2015. It is a new injectable drug, ATX-101 (DCA), which contours the under chin/neck area by reducing the fat. It has been approved in the US by the FDA as K—–

“ATX-101 causes adipocytolysis, which is the rupture of the fat cells leading to reabsorption in the body…The fat cell dies and is gone forever” lead investigator Susan Weinkle, MD, a private practice dermatologist in Florida, told Medscape Medical News.

In Australia, 2 pivotal phase III trials, REFINE 1 and REFINE 2 supported the application to the regulator for this first-in-class drug. Results from these trials showed that most patients had a visible reduction of fat in the area, with significant improvement visually and emotionally, relating to treatment.

My experience with fat removal from my neck 

I remember when I first saw my results mid-procedure during the neck liposuction, it was definitely an emotion-filled moment in time. I have had a lot of cosmetic procedures (breast reductions, tummy tucks, rhinoplasties etc), but I can’t think of another procedure where my feelings about the results were so intensely positive, and overwhelming. I just knew, for real, that I had become noticeably more beautiful. Other patients who I have sent for this procedure have described a similar experience, when they see the improvement in the convexity of their neck angle.

The first picture I saw of my new neck, mid liposuction procedure.

Submental Fullness an important but undertreated area?

Kythera CEO, Keith Leonard said: “Kythera is committed to making ATX-101 available in key markets to treat submental fullness, an often-cited yet under-addressed condition that can occur regardless of a person’s weight”

In general, I find the “double chin” (or submental fat) an undertreated area. I think the reason is that

  1. Most patients prefer non-surgical solutions and
  2. Non-surgical cosmetic doctors at this stage only have hammers, which makes them focus on nails. We don’t currently have available a consistently effective non-surgical treatment for neck fat, we have to refer patients on for liposuction and or surgery.

I always strongly recommend all of my patients who have neck fat, which impairs the angle of their neck, to get it treated asap, before their skin loses the (age-related) ability to retract.

If this ATX-101 is effective, I am definitely looking forward to having a new tool in my non-surgical cosmetic tool-kit.



UPDATE: WE have been using this treatment since February 2017 and are loving the results, please see our latest article 

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